
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Target Helps Me with Home Decor

Ventured down to Target again as one of their brand ambassadors (even though I already am often a clothes buyer of Target apparel).

Target are currently in Home Fashion mode, with sales on home decor items such as kitchenware, bedding, towels and tableware.

*dad joke alert*

Why shouldn't you put pants on the table?

Because it likes to show off it's legs.

...back to the post...

So I managed to visit Target recently and I probably had one of my best trips there so far.  I try to visit a few different Target stores around Adelaide. But in the store, a staff person come up to me and said "Hello, how's it going?"

I answered with the usual, bland "good" and kept on walking, but it was pretty cool customer service. Big stores often help only at checkouts, but Target gave me a little extra today, which was nice.

Anyway, I've been bugging the wife about adding some hipster items to spruce up our home decor. Would love to have an old bicycle wheel hung on the wall turning with perpetual motion.  Unfortunately it isn't an easy find.

Found some other cool things anyway...


The wife is hopefully going to like this one.  I bought bedding.  First time ever, I bought a set of pillow cases and a quilt cover.  It's blue, ohh yeah, take that Interior Decorators, I rock.

..just hope I have got the right size!

Quilt cover set - $35

I also thought, an extra pillow would suit fantastically awesome betwixt the two pillows (fyi - i've been meaning to use betwixt in a sentence for years now. Yes! Don't judge me hehehe).  Something to break up the pattern for the extra touch of fancy. Clever aren't I?

This bedding item can also be chucked onto the couch as well, which will become especially handy when my wife's footy team is beating mine.

And with Target's Home decor sales on, the cushion's price is too good to pass.

Cushion - $18.50

Home Fashion

I suppose it's called Home Fashion, when you buy fancy tableware and kitchenware.  It's more Home comfort when you grab yourself fancy new towels.  But even though these were my first thoughts to spruce up the home a bit, I ended up grabbing some other things.

Artificial Plastic Plants.

Yep, my wife is a terrible gardener and kills everything.  I figure, fake plants equals her not killing them! Hahaha

The other reason is that indoor plants can be a pain. Had one in our bathroom.  After a shower, the bathroom would heat up a bit and there'd be a dirt kind of smell in the room.  Blergh..!

Target have loads of artificial plants to choose from, but with 40% off it makes it easier to grab some.  I bought three small ones to add that bit of greenery for the bathroom.

Mini Planters - $9

Lastly, I thought the bathroom could do with a bit more treatment, so these soap holders and toothbrush tumbler will come in handy.  Look very modern as well.

Soap Dish - $8
Soap Dispenser - $13
Tumbler - $10

Not a bad effort from this guy over here, hey ladies?  Bought my wife a nice top too for $4.

Better stop before the husbands out there start hating on me!

- tork

Friday, February 15, 2013

Russian Meteor & Impact Crash Site Crater

I know that I don't usually do these kind of posts, but it's freakin' me out.

Here is a video of the meteor over Russia falling from the sky.

Here is a video that will blow your mind, a sonic boom that would give me a heart attack, trying to figure out WTF is going on!

Here is the most amazing video of them all.  The Russian Meteor Crater, the impact zone where it has hit the ground.

Is it real?  I dunno, it actually looks like the crater might be a bit small.

What do you reckon, is this the real deal?  Could this be where the meteor made it's hole in the Earth? Could it be a video of something else maybe? It does look older and not very good quality.

My guess is... real!

Either way, that's some freaky stuff.  Especially with a bigger one passing lower than satellites very soon!


- tork

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's So Religious

I'm the first to say, religious people are nuts.

It's a blanket statement, where obviously not everyone is nuts, but I'm just seeing it more and more.

(..yeah, this is going to be an off the cuff Shrove Tuesday post here people hehehe)

Recently I caught 19 Kids and Counting. Here's a show about a family of 19 kids with the same mother and father.  Devoutly religious.  Kid after kid after kid.  They're doing what God wants them to. To create perfect kid after perfect kid.

In the last show I watched, the mother was asked "What advice would you give people who are struggling to have a child?".  Her answer was "Pray and God will answer".


As a father who took a year to knock up his wife, the answer is actually "keep banging", you stupid over populater, you!

I mean, come on...

Take religion as a great method to teach your children values in life & society.  To love thy neighbour, to love thy brother, to love thy parents.

Don't take religion beyond stupidity from we know today of what is actual truth.

The Pope's had enough today too.  And in my Shrove Tuesday post "special", here is perhaps my best tweet you may ever see.

rant out.

- tork

Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentines Day Gift Idea

Eeep!  It's Valentines day coming up.  I never know what to do for Valentines day.  There's too much pressure!  ARGH!

That wife of mine always reckons that I don't do a very good job with it.  I can't see why she'd think that..

I like to celebrate by going out on either the day before or the day after for Valentines day.  There aren't as many people out that way.  Plus, it is so much easier to get a seat at a fancy restaurant.

Nup.. That always gets me in trouble.  I don't see a difference.  Less people, less madness..

..less romantic?  Perhaps?

Bah! My romantic side doesn't get noticed very well these days.  I bought my wife a plastic rose one year.  I said "it represents your beauty, everlasting".  Sweet, isnt it? she came back with "What? Plastic, cheap and fake?".  Yeah, very funny wife!

I'd love to get her some Valentine's day roses though. They really are the epitome of Valentines day and the folks at Roses Only bring flower delivery straight to your door.

Not anywhere near as expensive as I thought it would be either!  From $59.95 for roses on Valentines day doesn't sound too bad. Plus it looks like there's free delivery for roses sent on the 13th of Feb.

Hmmm.. or perhaps I should be dropping subtle hints for something that I would like?  Roses Only has an 18yo Chivas Regal offer too that sounds like the perfect little Valentines day gift.

*insert evil laugh here*

Ahhh, one can dream..

But real flowers this year sound like something that every guy should be doing.  Hey, it's the best bet to get out of the dog house!

So ladies, perhaps subtly hit the Facebook 'Like' button to give you partner the hint.. hahaha.

And perhaps think about that nice bottle of scotch to treat your man friend as well.

I once got a hammer wrapped in a bow for Valentines day.. yeah, probably deserved that after my awesome fake flower routine. Here's hoping we BOTH get great v-tines day gifts!


- tork

Vouchers were received in exchange for my time and blog space with thanks to Roses Only. All opinions are my own.