Looking for some new material for your blog?
Looking for some exposure for your own blog?
Well, you've clicked yourself upon the right link my friend! Here's what I'm offering.
Guest Posting on Tork's blog
Looking for exposure? Feeling creative? I'd love for you to guest post on my blog! But, there are a few guidelines.
1. Your post must be of original content, not copied from anywhere and not previously published.
2. You agree not to publish your post elsewhere.
3. You need to include a short bio of yourself or your blog (30 words or less).
4. You must give credit to any sources of photographs that you may provide.
5. You must provide the URL of your blog (if you have one).
6. If I need to edit your post, I will notify you of the edit prior to posting to my blog for your approval. Please note though, if you don't approve then I wont post it! (Refer #7)
7. I have the right to turn down any post. If I do so, you may use it however you wish.
Phew! Hehehehe, that'll do.
Guest Posting From Tork
Running short on ideas for you own blog? I am available to give you a guest post of my own for your blog! Sometimes posting within the walls of this blog can give me cabin fever, so I'll be glad to venture out and guest post on your blog. Again, there are a few guidelines.
1. To prevent too many requests, your blog must have a small audience. You'll need to have 250 total followers or more. This can be across Twitter, Facebook and blog subscribers inclusive.
2. You must give me three words to help me post. These words can be related or totally different. This is where I get my inspiration. Eg. "Unusual Dad Moments", "Morning Coffee Story", "Purple Monkey Dishwasher". Strange? You'll just have to trust me!
3. My posts will be original and will not appear on my blog.
4. You must include my bio (shown on top of any page under my picture heading) and a link back to my blog (http://torkona.blogspot.com/)
Posting Content
I am pretty easy on what content you would like to guest post about. If you are unsure though, simply ask me before starting.
Regarding me guesting posting for you, that revolves around what three words you give me! But, I do tend to stay within the boundaries of parenting posts and blog help. But, I tend to post about anything I find funny.
If you want more info on what I am about, refer to the video at the top of this page for a quick run down.
How to Contact for Guest Blogging
You can contact me for all your guest posting needs and questions.
I will try to answer every email as quickly as I can.
I look forward to hearing from you!
- tork