
The Very Best Dad Jokes eBook

Dad jokes are the lamest but favourite jokes that dad's love to tell.

They make you groan and walk away in shame that you chuckled at them.

A dad joke can be defined by one that is lame, stupid, emits a sigh or groan out of anyone that hears them, but it's laughed at nonetheless.

The Very Best Dad Jokes
I proudly give to you Vol 1 of..

The Very Best Dad Jokes

Click "Add to Bag" above to purchase your eBook copy today!

Paypal and credit card payments accepted.

There's 44 pages of great dad jokes and colourful pictures that you or any child will love. A perfect gift for Xmas or Father's day.

So, what do you get? One pdf file copy of the book that can be read with any ebook reader. It works on the iPhone, Android, iPad, computer.  Anything that opens a pdf file.

Simply click the "Add to Bag" button on this page and you will be emailed a link to download the book.  (billing address required to verify PayPal & Credit cards)

This ebook is full of some of the classic dad jokes, great jokes that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Classics such as..

Why did the Banana go to the Doctor?

Because he wasn't peeling very well.

There are modern jokes as well.  Crackers that you've never heard before to test upon your children or friends & family.

What does a pirate say when he's having a heart attack?

Argh me arteries!!

And don't forget the fantastic illustrations to go along with the jokes!  An added splash of colour and extra humor, great for the kids to giggle at.

It's better than a Thesaurus..

A dinosaur with a large vocabulary!

Your purchase might be giving yourself a smile on your dial, but it will also be giving sick children benefits as well.

I will be donating $1 of every purchase towards the Little Heroes Foundation.

Money will be going towards children surviving cancer and serious illness.  A cause close to my heart, being a father who wants to give back to the community that helped so much when my son was sick.

Your purchase is greatly appreciated with money going to a great cause!

(Little Heroes Foundation is not affiliated with this ebook, I'm simply making the donation on behalf of all purchases on a half-yearly basis to help support their fantastic causes)

Purchase the ebook today for $4.99 $2.99 AUD
for the best dad jokes that this father has to offer.

The Very Best Dad Jokes

Here are quotes from people that have read the book!

The illustrations are cute. Some of those jokes are groan worthy LOL. Love it.
- Tina Gray, Australia, from Tina Gray dot me.

We have read it. Me, the wife, son (thirteen) and daughter (eleven). We genuinely laughed out loud lots and groaned a few times.
- Baldy Chaz, UK, from rantings of a bald man.

The illustrations are excellent. The jokes are the typical head-shaking Dad style.
- Clint, Australia, from Reservoir Dad.

The jokes are pretty good, corny but good. :-) Good fresh material!
- Colin, Australia, from Superparents.

It's pages of lame but somehow still funny Dad jokes. You know the ones. Groan but kick yourself because you're laughing anyway.

- Melissa, Australia, from The Things I'd Tell You.

It is perfect for that pesky 9 year add to the Christmas stocking perhaps! It's full of short and funny dad jokes, which are simply jokes that are so bad they are good! My kids love it! They shared the book on the way home from school in the car, and even my little one had a turn of reading!

- Farmer's Wifey, Australia, from Farmer's Wifey.

Fantastic toilet reading material.
- Elvis Presley Impersonator

Love to hear your own quote when you purchase the book!

Don't wait any longer!
For only $4.99 $2.99 AUD you're helping great causes
as well as helping feed my own family.

The Very Best Dad Jokes

Thanks for visiting and thank you more if you're making a purchase.  Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via this link.