
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello from me

Hi there :-)  My name is Torkona.  But you can call me Tork.

I exist as an alias in the internet world.  In real life, I'm an Australian country boy turned city boy.

I write about random stuff. My main goal is to entertain. I don't have a niche, I could write about anything. Well, I guess my niche is laughter!! And that is what I want to bring to people. A bit of a chuckle as well as an interesting read.

I'm a recently new father, so for the time being you are more than likely going to have to deal with me being soppy about how great life is and other cutesy crap :-)

I love to blog!  So if you want to interview me or guest post on your blog, feel free to contact me.

So, here we are.  May you read my blog and learn of Tork.

If there's anything you want to know about me, ask.  If there's something you'd like me to blog about, ask! I'd love the input of you folks out there.

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Hopefully you'll enjoy my blog!


- tork