
Monday, January 31, 2011

Tork's Aussie Mummy Blogger Award - January 2011


I am a bit excited to introduce to you, the first award in a long series of awards for bloggers: The Torkona Award

Run and judged by myself, a series of awards by me, a (soon to be) Dad Blogger, Gamer Blogger, Humor Blogger, etc etc.

Awarded randomly throughout the year, this award will hopefully bring great prestige to those that win, especially for the person winning this one, being the very first Tork award ever.

The award will go to the best Australian Mummy Blogger in January 2011.

What are the prizes?
  • one mummy will win an entire post dedicated to their blog, posted here, with reasons why it is awesome and the winner
  • with my blog reaching over 5000 views a month, the person will receive a great amount of awareness and traffic for their blog and the opportunity of plenty more followers
  • a really cool 'trophy' to add to their blog
  • 10 runners-up will receive a link from my blog to theirs
How is it being judged?
  • I am judging each blog received prior to 21st February 2011. Winner will be announced shortly after this date
  • blogs are judged based on posts in January 2011 only
  • high praise is given for well written blogs
  • extra marks for the heart warming stories
  • brownie points given for a good, fair dinkum laugh
  • sorry, you have to be an Australian Mum for the inaugural award
 Why am I doing this?
  • Because Aussie mums are awesome
  • I want to reward talent where talent is due
  • I want to reward mummy bloggers for spending part of their days blogging and not spending hours upon hours on Farmville :-)
  • Why not?

So if you would like to nominate a blog, or vote for your own blog for the inaugural Torkona Award, please leave the link as a comment below.  Please don't just leave a comment to nominate your blog or someone elses without adding the link as well, otherwise how can I check it out? Any more questions or discussions, please also leave below.

If you want to spread the word of this award, share it with the social media links at top of this post, or add this following code somewhere on your blog:

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a>

Good luck, and may the blogs be with you!

- tork