I've been blogging for just over three months and I am proud to say I broke the blog barrier! WooHoo! Three months is the average length of time that people quit blogging at. I've got to say, I've come close.
So I want to share with you what I've learnt. There has been blog tricks that I've tried and failed, but there are others that have succeeded. This can give you ideas if you are a new blogger on the scene and traps for even the experienced blogger. So, I will be compiling posts with things that I've learnt over these three months, so stay tuned. One big thing I've learnt, especially since starting my Adelaide and South Australia blog, is that my current blog layout sucks, so I will be undertaking a massive overhaul. (ooh, exciting!)
But the reason why I am posting this, is in the meantime, I'd love for you to ask me any questions that you might have to help you. You can leave a comment or email via tork.southaust@gmail.com. Yikes, now I've got to start putting down some posts! Lord, this may be an endless series of tips and tricks about blogging. I just hope that I can help at least one person.