
Thursday, July 21, 2011

How I Increased Blog Traffic by 53000%

Here's a tweet I made via @Torkona3 a while back.  I've been meaning to explain how I did it.

First, here is the proof (click to enlarge):

This image is from June 20th with 83000+ visitors for this month to bLErg, my offside blog where I test best methods for traffic and adverts.  So, how did I do it?  It is simple and you can do it too.

Set up your blog for StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is a fantastic tool for the bored.  I click it whenever I want to find something funny without knowing what I want to laugh at.  It's also used as a search tool for sites that you're interested in.

How it works is a user installs a toolbar on their browser.  This toolbar has a 'stumble' button, which when clicked takes you to a random page of any category you choose.

StumbleUpon is how the bLErg site landed its traffic.  I simply had a fantastically hilarious post (Queens Bohemian Rhapsody in Pictures) that I uploaded to be stumbled.  Whenever someone stumbled upon it, people would rate it.

The more good rates a post gets, the more traffic it can receive.   There are other elements as well, such as being a respectable member of StumbleUpon.  The more followers you have, the more street cred you get in the value of your posts that you upload.  Once you set up a StumbleUpon account, you can add me to your stumble following list and I will add you back to increase your street cred!

I got lucky, and the traffic has started to subside.  It also hasn't landed me a great number of extra followers, as stumbles from the 'Funny' search are fickle. But going from 3000 views an hour down to around 100 an hour for a site that is only my test site for traffic ideas and AdSense placement ain't too shabby, so I'm not too upset by it.

But you really want to use it for your site, even if you might not receive the same high amount of traffic, you'll still get a decent trickle of traffic over the years.  But see if you can get lucky like me!

Add a StumbleUpon button to your site and see how you go.

So, sorry for the delay @kirri_white @ReservoirDad @SameliasMum @Diaryofasahm.  I promised I will let you know how I did it.

- tork

Do you currently use StumbleUpon?  How much traffic does it get you?