
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

After The Baby Blog Months, I am at a Crossroads

It was Decemebr 7th, 2010.

A strange boy, new to the scene decided to start a blog.

Almost 9 months later (the baby months), a crossroads has been hit.

What do I want with Tork's blog? Am I doing the right thing or am I all over the place?

I find it is split into 3 different directions.  My:

I love to inspire, with songs and poetry and that kind of crap (hehehe).

I also love to blog and with my technical knowledge of HTML, websites and social media, I love to help others.

But most importantly, I love being a Dad.  I love giving the perspective of being a Dad.  Dad bloggers are few and far between.  We are needed to "keep the peace" :-)

But I want to know your perspective for the future of this blog.  Why do you visit? What do you enjoy the most?

So it might take a few minutes of your time, but please leave a comment.  I'd love to hear from you about what you enjoy the most.  It could be one of them or all of them, or even something else.

If you'd prefer, I have a poll placed to the top left (underneath my blog badges link) that you can submit your opinion via, but I would love it if you could do both.

Can't wait to find out more about what you think of this guy behind the keyboard!

- tork