Well, it's officially one year ago that I started this blogging caper.
Sure, I sucked hard for a good number of months. I am still learning the tricks of the trade whilst being shy as hell and fighting for a voice as a dad blog amongst a sea of mums. It's terribly tricky!!
I've totalled up a measly $103 dollars in a year thanks to blogging. Working so hard really gets you down for such a low amount. An amount I was hoping to feed my family with. Failing is a pain in the arse. I hope I don't give up.
But, I've produced greatness, at least, what I think is great. Hopefully it will serve as a memory some stage down the track for me.
My favourite post. My greatest one yet. Finally, I am a Dad. I hope you enjoy it if you haven't yet read it.
In the mean time, I'm trying my hardest on reviving old bloggy projects. Finding the time is an S.O.B. though :-)
- tork