
Monday, April 16, 2012

I miss Friday Work drinks. CheekyDrop to the rescue!

I miss the old Friday after work drinks. I'd walk down with 10 to 20 work colleagues to the local on most Friday's and just shoot the breeze. We'd pick the worst songs possible on the jukebox, order rounds of beer spiked with cordial to mess with people's mind, and stumble home via public transport yelling at imaginary shool kids on the bus. Perhaps that was just me, but it still was a great way to get to know your workmates and have a bit of a cool off after a long week.

..every week was a long week!..

Work changes and you don't see your old colleagues anymore. My work changed to a few streets over. The local pub didn't change though. New faces to buy rounds for and new people to embarrass myself infront of for the following Monday stories.

It's disappointing that the work place is not often the venue for Friday work drinks. OH&S is a big culprit for work place drinks being a distant memory. I think it would be great to nab the culprits for making Friday work place drinks a dying event. Parents like myself would love the opportunity to pop a bottle at work. I just don't have the time to venture down the pub any more for those hours that I used to. A couple of drinks at my desk with staff would be such a better option to wind down.

Well, Cheeky Drop is a new website that is the Ambassador for Friday work drinks. They heard on the grapevine that I enjoy the odd drop of vino, so they kindly contacted me to tell me how I could win FREE work place drinks!

Ooooh yeah. Me likey!

Every Friday, CheekyDrop is offering the chance to win free work drinks! (Aust residents only)

Check out one of their clips, the Friday Drinks Offender, Mr Smooth Operator.

FYI - Random Squirrel.  Love it. Hehehehe..

They're giving away a case of wine each week, so check them out via @cheekydrop, their Facebooky place or where you can also buy wine online.

So I'm looking forward to organising myself and getting the work folk together one day for a few drinks. Winning that case of wine will help the cause!

Looking forward to the Squirrel delivering it too.  If it happens, I will definitely wet myself.


Hope you guys check them out to get some free work wines too.

- tork