Really uncertain where this post is going to go.
Facebook. A site where I push like upon a whole bunch of pages similar to my own site. The success of other parent's sites is amazing.
But jealousy is one cruel mother.
It's just a stupid like on a page for gods sake!
I should be doing real work at home and not counting all these likes on popular sites!
Anyway.. the delving I did into requesting friends to hit like upon my page.. it grew to the knowing of friends once liking my page now no longer liking it.
Man, I wish I never saw that. Honest people, lovely folk. I wonder just how annoying I sometimes might be that they took the effort to unlike me.
I hate Facebook. You bastard.
Twitter! Now there is a lovely friend. Never a day passes where a little "tweet" noise hits my phone. I love getting tweets.
Love it.
Facebook... Grrrr! You ugly step sister *shakes fist*
Why can't you be more like Twitter where people love following me and saying "Hi! How's the family?"
I wish I understood you better Facebook, but like family, I must accept you for who you are.
That annoying half cousin that always asks you what colour shoes you are wearing.
You don't make sense to me but I suppose I'll still play ball with you in the park..
Yeah.. so.. ok.. that was weird.
If you know how Facebook works, hit LIKE on my facebook page :-)
Think I might have a wee beverage with bubbles in it.
- tork