
Friday, May 4, 2012

I reckon you should visit Two Point Five Kids

I know I really should be flogging dad bloggers like myself, as we all know how much better the dads are than mums ;-)

But over at Two Point Five Kids you'll find a groovy little blog to go visit.  A mum blogger that's always been sharing and caring for me here at Tork's blog.

I'm always so happy when I get a Facebook comment or like, and it's usually from this rad mum blogger.  I really appreciate it! I really do.

Check out how she proposed to her man friend in front of thousands and thousands of people.  You'll be amazed.

I'm going to draw little willies on things to amuse myself while you check out Two Point Five Kids.  Make sure you don't forget to come back here afterwards.

Don't stay forever! There's only so much doodling I can take!

(See what I did there?)


- tork