
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bad Blogger Step 9: Need More Fibre in my Posting

It's Step 9 in my I'm a Bad Blogger series. You can find my original bad blogger post here.

9. Post as irregularly as possible


What.. is that a bad thing?

I couldn't be more irregular unless I printed my posts out on cardboard and then ate them.

But why force daily posting similar to sites like The Huffington Post?  Or churn out something twice a week?

How about, write something when you feel like it, when you are moved to. If that's every day or every week, great! So long as you love it!

Write when you want and your readers will know it.  Write so you aren't giving the experience that something new you've written is similar to what a monkey would write that is being paid with a box of carrots.

hehehehe I love monkeys.

Be eccentric, be unpredictable, be different.

Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice.
Pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

How often do you post?

- tork