
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dude Food Recipe - Spuds

Dads! Here's a recipe that will make you look like a confectionary wizz!

This is an easy recipe for Spuds, those little rolled balls that look like small, dirty potatoes but taste so sugary sweet!


1 X 395gram tin condensed milk
300grams icing sugar
250grams desiccated coconut
Cocoa for dusting

1. Mix condensed milk, icing sugar and coconut together. Best done with your hands because guys, it saves time on dishwashing extra cutlery.

2. Roll into spud shaped balls approx three quarters the size of an egg.

3. Lightly dust in cocoa.

4. Chill for 10 mins then serve.

Serves: 10-15 people or one hungry dude.

Tips: Use good cocoa and not the cheap home brand. If your spuds are too sticky, add more coconut.