Ohh dear, this exercising thing has gotten hard again already. It is our second week into the Husband/Wife Weight Loss Off and I have lost another 1 kg! So that makes it 3kgs total so far.
My wife has also lost 3 kilos! But she has a person trainer, gym membership and a repugnance to soft drinks. Not fair!
But it's cool we are both on track to the same weight loss. So far so good!
The wife and I should be referring more to the Biggest Loser Club recipes though. They have a bunch of daily recipes that look pretty good. My cooking a breakfast this morning of bacon and eggs with Chirizo sausage and Cafe style toast probably isn't the world's best idea to keep doing. I swear I've seen Shannan Ponton have it for brekkie though, in moderation.
Also this week, the wife and I have been spreading The Biggest Loser word and talking to people at her gym. There are so many people proud to state their weight loss numbers. So many folks just trying to get in shape. It's good to be around these sorts of people! Very inspiring, which the Biggest Loser have plenty of inspirational folk.
Here's just an example, and maybe some inspiration for your own possible weight loss!
An avid fan of the Biggest Loser TV Show, she joined the online weight loss program the contestants of the TV Show use, and felt the whole plan was geared towards success. Within 15 months Cathy dropped to 69kg and now her sights are set on glory next year.
However, Cathy didn’t always have a winning attitude. When she was a teenager, Cathy dreamed of winning an Olympic gold medal in sailing. That dream slipped from her grasp, largely due to her struggles with weight gain – something she never conquered until she discovered The Biggest Loser Club.
“I was overweight most of my life. My parents actually nicknamed me Benny the Ball from the cartoon show ‘Top Cat’. I was huge,” Cathy says. “I tried to control it. Mum and Dad are doctors so we ate healthy food, but I remember thinking it was so unfair. On both sides of my parents’ families – we are not small people. Some body types are predisposed to holding onto weight and some aren’t.”
In her early 20’s, Cathy managed to keep her weight in check. “I was around 65kg when I met my husband at 21, but by my late 20’s I was heavy again, nearly 100kg after my daughter was born.” When she was growing up, her daughter was heavily involved in youth modern pentathlon, which meant Cathy had to juggle work and daily training sessions.
“I wouldn’t eat breakfast or lunch, then I’d have a packet of chips around 3pm and dinner was often takeaway food,” she says.
“In the first week of joining the Biggest Loser Club I lost several kilos. That was incredibly motivating.” She used the online diary for the calorie counter and vigilantly monitored her charts to ensure she kept to the recommended guidelines.
“I started eating the right foods at last, keeping my protein high, carbohydrates moderate and saturated fats low. By sticking to the correct percentages on the charts, I managed to lose the weight within 15 months.”
“The guidelines and resources the Club provides are substantial. All the tools are there for success, if you want to use them!”
However, when it came to exercise, Cathy had to overcome major obstacles. “I have fibromyalgia, an auto-immune disease which causes all my joints and muscles to hurt,” she says. She was using a walking stick when she first started training. “I get up and train for the pentathlon every day, even though it hurts. The medications I take cause weight gain and my immunologist is amazed that I can lose weight at all, but I can because I’m passionate. “Now that I have lost the weight, the biggest change for me is being able to compete. It’s been my life’s dream. I’m going to win. There is no alternative.”
Cathy is a champ! Goes to show how easy it can be if you can just be bothered to all the right things, and keep on being bothered! It's hard and probably my biggest hurdle. Perhaps it is something I'll get the Biggest Loser folk to answer!
Stay tuned for next weeks post to the answer as well as a possibly give away! *hint hint*
- tork