
Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Biggest Loser Husband Wife Weight Loss Off - Week 6 Finale

Last week!  It's all over!

My Biggest Loser Weight Loss has come to a close with today being the end of Week 6.

Lost another kilo, making a grand, glorious total of 85kgs.  That is 3kgs weight loss in total. Can't believe I lost it, even around the Christmas holidays!

The question is though, did I beat my wife in our weight loss battle?

Pffft.. no where near.  My wife lost herself 5kgs.  She is the master!  Yeah, I admit it.  Her stamina to ignore unhealthy foods has been amazing and she is addicted to working out and doing better than her husband.  Funny how those things work!

On the subject of winners, the other important announcement!

the winners of a 3 month membership to the Biggest Loser Club Online are....

Jacky B
Julia M

Well done to the two winners! You'll each receive an email from me ASAP.

So let me summarize the last 6 weeks.  It's been disappointing but informative.  Nothing to do with the site though, disappointing from the fact that I had a couple of weight increases.  I put it down to over exercising for muscle build or perhaps more of the latter, stupid Tork at stupid Christmas parties.

God damn cheesecake.. *sigh*

But, the Biggest Loser program is great.  I could not recommend it more than I have.  It's my second time on their program with my second weight loss result. Not too shabby!

Just a point though to the male readers out there, please don't buy your significant other a Biggest Loser membership.  Suggesting your partner to lose weight with that sort of membership, or gym membership, not smart!  Unless you are game to send your wife/partner to become a whirlwind of batshit crazy!

Anyway, I don't want to harp on about how useful the site can be.  Their record of over 211,000kgs lost by all their users speaks for itself.

I am just happy I lost some more kilos. I'm looking forward to keeping at it with a few golf games over the holidays as well as keeping an eye on my wife's dwindling figure *wink wink*

nuff said.. enjoy your holidays everyone and good luck on our own weight loss goals!

- tork