
Monday, March 24, 2014

Tips to Improve your Relationship with your Child

This is a guest post from It's In The Stars, where you can find over 50 intriguing astrology products and services, ideal to give as gifts or to treat yourself.

The years you spend with your children are limited and precious. Birthday parties, family vacations and sporting events all pass by, until suddenly you are confronted with the fact that your child is no longer a child. Don’t be plagued by regrets or fall into the pitfall of thinking, It’s In The Stars . It’s never too late to build the foundation for a strong, healthy relationship with your child or improve the connection you currently share. Below you will find six tips to get you started, so read on.

1. Spend Time with Them

Allow the bonding process to naturally occur by spending quality time with your child. Part of this process is getting to know your child. They are not mini versions of you; they have their own likes, dislikes, talents and weaknesses. By engaging in activities such as storytelling, arts and crafts, board games, and sport, you will see different sides to your child and be able to understand them better.

2. Be Affectionate

The parent-child relationship is based on the principle of unconditional love. You may know this, but does your child? Show them love by displaying affection regularly and remember that there are many ways to do so. A hug, clap on the back, playful messing of the hair and smiles can all make your child feel treasured, while the gift of time is more worthwhile than expensive toys.

3. Celebrate

Think of the relationships you have with close friends. Do you appreciate their support and encouragement? Mimic this by being a positive, nurturing friend to your child. When they succeed, celebrate their efforts and build their self-esteem, inspiring them to believe that they can achieve anything. There may come a day when your opinion doesn’t count for much, so act now.

4. Validate Their Feelings

The mistake that a lot of parents make is discounting their child’s feelings, regarding them as silly and juvenile. Stop doing this and understand that children are capable of having deeply-felt emotions and thoughts. They also deserve to be listened to; instead of brushing off any concerns or fears, respond with empathy and respect.

5. Compromise and Co-operate

Relationships are two-way streets. Being a parent does not mean you get to play the role of dictator. Treat your child as you would a difficult colleague; analyse the situation and figure out how you can compromise and co-operate to reach a mutually beneficial result. Being a parent does mean exercising wisdom, control and maturity.

6. Reverse Roles

Sometimes, getting through to your child can seem impossible. Take a deep breath, step back and place yourself in their shoes. Why are they being difficult? What is their motivation or stressor? Humans behave in a reactive way; by understanding why your child is acting the way they are, you will be able to formulate an effective solution to the problem.

What do you think makes a successful parent-child relationship? Do you have any tips or techniques? Share your stories and advice by commenting in the box below.