Monday, May 30, 2011

Tork's Video

Ever been to one of them professional looking blogs where the owner of the blog has an introductory video? Usually these videos consist of the owner/designer sitting in front of the camera given a spiel about themselves and their blog.

Well, I've done one of them too!  Does that mean I'm now professional?  (crap..)

Now, before you hit the play button, no, I'm not sitting in front of the camera.  Sorry! I've gone on a different angle.

But now it means, whenever a new visitor lands on my site, they can click my video and easily see what my blog is about! I highly recommend all bloggers to try to do this. It can greatly improve on the number of return visitors as well as followers/subscribers.

I will return to give feedback after a month or so on how this addition improves my site to (hopefully) prove it is a worthwhile venture to undertake.

In the mean time, tell me what you think of my first attempt.  Love to know what you think of the video, as well as the music I made myself!  But, go easy please.  It's my first ever YouTube video!! :-)

- tork