Thursday, February 6, 2014

Finance, Laptops, Renting and burning your Nads

It's cute isn't it, having a child learning new words.

"Computer!  Daddy on computer" says my boy.


Yeah, that's him, whacking my laptop keys as hard as he can.  One day he will send an email on my behalf something along the lines of "Dear John, thanks for getting in touch with me.  I really would like to hk;sfd;hhs hasdf;h sa;h watch iggle piggle.  watch peppa pig. "

Quality.  Top notch professionalism right there HAHA!

So, I have been contacted by the guys at Flexirent and asked to talk about laptop rental.  I figure, you lovely readers could use my advice with my actual experience in renting laptops.  I know it's back to school time of year and plenty of people need laptops for their kid's schooling.

Man, it's a different time and age, laptops at school.  The only thing I had close to a laptop in school was Chris, the 100kg teenager who would sit on me like I were a human bean bag. Yeah, he thought it was really funny...

Ahh but I digress with odd childhood memories.

If you're thinking of renting a laptop this year or down the track, for whatever reason, here are a few tips that are worthy advice.


Renting is great if you don't want to fork out a wad of cash upfront, especially with technology changing so drastically with the newest gadgets required often around 2 years after purchase, that you're likely to want a new one after just 2 years.

You pay a few dollars a week, which is fantastic if living on a week to week budget or only required for a short period of time.

Renting can actually save you money and time in certain circumstances, similar to how a mobile phone contract works.

If your product requires fixing, you can take it back to whom you rented it from, saving money on fixes.  You may even receive a loan laptop whilst yours is being fixed.  Purchasing doesn't give assurances for errors like viruses, so you're on your own if that occurs.

You can pay for an item how you want too (weekly, monthly etc) and don't forget if you are renting for business purposes, your costs can be fully tax deductible!

You can rent to buy, which is probably the big tick with renting.  A great option for many students juggling school and work to pay for tuition.


What do you want a laptop for?  Movies, games, school? They can be fantastic these days for all three, but if you want graphic intensive games with big RAM requirements (the computer bits that make things work faster), you'd want to get yourself a desktop PC instead.


It is great being able to lay on the couch or in bed and just rest a laptop as per it's namesake, upon your lap and browse the net or whatever.  Remember though, it's not fantastic for your posture if you're wanting to use it for long periods of time.

Not to mention your nuts.  I'm not saying that you are crazy here, that you are "nuts", I'm talking to the guys.  Your man parts.  The laptop probably has the worst name for a device because you really shouldn't use it on your lap.

Unless you live in the States guys and you enjoy your chestnuts on a red hot, open fire, you'd want to make sure that you'd got a study desk to utilise or kitchen table to give yourself a better chance of having future children.

Those things can get hot, so keep furniture in mind for where you will spend the most time using your laptop.

Before I do any more privates jokes, to summarize, the best tip I can give is talk to the renting companies or go through their terms via their websites. They are the experts and have all the advice for why renting can be a good choice.

My personal experience with renting laptops is that it is pretty good.  Problems fixed without hassle, laptop upgraded to new one when required.  But renting companies have different policies, terms and conditions, so check with them prior to renting for how everything will work with your rental.

Just don't tell let naughty kids whack them too much, like mine does.  Those inquisitive buggers won't help when your explain why you keyboard no longer works.

Good luck renters!

- tork