I've got some exciting news.
The Torkona Award, is back!
The inaugural Torkona award went to Romina. Her gratitude was shown via her Martyr-hood blog.
When I bestoyed this honour on her as the first ever recipient, her followers numbered about 50 people.
As of this post, a month later, she now holds 528 followers.
Goes to show how awesome for your followship my little award can be (of course, her fantastic blogging has something to do with it).
But it's the first stepping stone towards great exposure! So I would love as many people as possible to have a go this time around again.
Here's how the 2nd Torkona award is going to work.
1. Tell us your story about your first born child
Anyone is eligible from any part of the globe. So long as you are:
- a mum
- a dad
- an expecting mum
- an expecting dad
Even though you may have not given birth just yet, it would still be lovely to read your story so far.
I want to hear things such as how the pregnancy is or was, your fears, your excitement, your struggles, your joy. Basically anything in the time frame of the pregnancy.
I can't wait to read them.
2. What is the prize?
The person I judge to have the best story receives a post on my blog dedicated to your story/blog. Refer to my last Torkona Award to see an example.
As mentioned above, this can give you great exposure for your blog. Ooh, you'll get a groovy .gif image trophy too!
Ten runners up will receive a link back to their blog as a thank you for having a crack at it.
3. How you are scored
This time, for each story, I give a total score of out 31 based on four different criteria.
- a possible ten points for creativity
- a possible ten points for how hilarious you are
- a possible ten points for a heart warming story
- one brownie point
No catch, you don't have to do it if you dont want to.
But, if you do want that extra point, what you need to do is copy and paste the code in the text box below into the HTML section of your post:
That's why :-)
6. What happened to point 4?
Aren't I just hilarious *sigh*
7. Final Requirement and Deadline
I will need to know that you have completed your post so I can judge it.
So, when you have finished, please leave a comment against this post of the URL to your story.
Alternatively, you can contact me of your link (and any questions) via
All entries must be in on or prior to the 1st of May, 2011
All that is left to say is, I encourage as many people as possible to give this a go.
I will love to hear everyone's stories, as well as I am certain your followers will as well. Not only for them to reminisce, but for yourself as well.
I will love to hear everyone's stories, as well as I am certain your followers will as well. Not only for them to reminisce, but for yourself as well.
Good luck. And even if you don't win, I hope that it will at least bring back some happy memories! :-)
- tork
An image will appear on your post just like this below as a link back to this award.

Pretty cool huh? It's all about exposure and I'd like to get as many stories as possible, so if you want that extra point and you aren't scared about some competition, you can consider it.
5. Why am I doing this?
If you already follow my blog, you may already know that my wife and I are expecting our first child any day now. I can't wait to tell everyone our story.
So, I was thinking, 'wouldn't it be great to hear about others first born stories as well?'